Saturday, May 3, 2014

The !Kung of Botswana’s Central Kalahari Game Reserve are Africa’s last hunting and gathering society. In 2006, they won a case against their government giving them the right to return to their land that they were forcibly evicted from due to the discovery of diamonds. There have been three major clearances for the search of diamonds. In 1997, 2002, and 2005 just about every native was pushed out. During the mining, the Native’s homes were destroyed, health posts were closed and their water supply was destroyed.

After these clearances, those who have not gone back to their homelands now live in resettlement camps outside of the reserve. The people are now dependent on government handouts and many are now affected by alcoholism, depression and illness such as tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS.

Although the !Kung have won their case to return to their land, their government has made it almost impossible to survive. At one point the government cemented over the tribe’s largest watering hole and dug smaller ones for the wildlife periodically around the land. Many !Kung have also been arrested while hunting to provide for their tribes and families because they do not have a hunting permit.

Unless the government completely leaves the Kalahari, their culture is not likely to survive. The !King are sitting on top of the worlds largest diamond rich land in the world and it seams the government of Botswana has no intention on loosing it.

In the link below, you can read more about the struggle of these marvelous people and see pictures and videos of some people effected by the actions of their government and diamond mining companies.


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